More videos of the puppies… ;o)
A couple of new videos of the puppies – 5 weeks yesterday. Lunchtime inside the puppy pen and a taste of fresh air outside in the garden, which they all just love! ;o)
A couple of new videos of the puppies – 5 weeks yesterday. Lunchtime inside the puppy pen and a taste of fresh air outside in the garden, which they all just love! ;o)
The puppies are developing fast and are now getting very curious about the other dogs, Penny and Vesper. Vesper has completely fallen in love with the entire gang of petits and is ready to adopt all 7 puppies, if Carla gets tired of them… ;o) Videos below of playtime with “aunt Vesper”. The litter has now been registered with the kennel club, which means that all 7 names have been chosen, however not all puppies have been picked out yet by their families… We will put the names on the X-litter page, once the puppies have been picked out – so far the two boys and two females have been picked out, their names are on the X-litter page. ;o)
This weekend the litter moved from their quiet and secluded surroundings in the laundry room and into the middle of the livingroom! They are 4 weeks old now and for the next 4 weeks until the puppies leave for their new homes, they will be exposed to all the everyday sounds and actions of a family – the TV, cooking dinner in the kitchen, the vacuum cleaner, children running and playing and off course the other dogs in the house, Penny and Vesper.
New pictures of the puppies – now 3 weeks old! You can find the pictures below and also on the X-litter page in the Our Breeding menu. Below first pictures of Male 1 and 2 and then Female 1 to 5. They are all just adorable now with their eyes fully open and ready to explore the world! ;o) They are also starting to discover each other and are starting to play – biting the leg or the nose of a brother or sister until they get out of balance and stumble over…so cute! ;o) If you scroll down below the pictures, there is a video of the everyday life in the whelping box. ;o)
The puppies are 8 days old today and growing with the speed of lightning! ;o) They are all doing good and Carla is a great mom, so our main concern is to feed Carla enough to produce milk for the pups. ;o) Within the next few days they will open their eyes to see the world for the first time – a big moment! The puppies now have their own page, so please go to the X-litter page in the Our Breeding menu for pictures of each puppy. At this point, all puppies are reserved.
Carla’s puppies have arrived! ;o) Carla was due on March 11th, but decided to deliver her puppies two days early – so on March 9th we had a beautiful litter of 7 puppies; 5 females and 2 males. Despite the fact that it was her first litter, Carla did so well and everything went smooth and without any complications. All puppies are doing good – strong, healthy and hungry! ;o)
Carla now only has one week left of her pregnancy and her belly is now quite obvious, to say the least! She has certainly slowed down her tempo, and she has given up on chasing the birds in our field – Penny has to do the job alone now. ;o) Carla is doing good and doesn’t seem to be too bothered with the growing belly – and she still enjoys flatting out in the couch in the evening… ;o) Today is Vesper’s 1st birthday. We are so very happy with our big girl and she is everything we could have hoped for – and then some! ;o)
We have had a rather bitter-sweet weekend… We did a pregnancy scan on Carla last week and luckily the trip to Holland was a succes. Carla is expecting puppies and the vet has set the due date at March 11th – needless to say we are very excited!! This will be our first litter in 10 years, the first litter of puppies our children will experience and our very first litter of PBGVs – so this is truly huge for us in many ways! ;o) Sadly the good news of Carla’s puppies was overshadowed Sunday evening, when we had to say goodbye to our English Bulldog Jelly… Jelly had had some bloody discharge during the day but suddenly started bleeding heavily in the evening. We took her to the vet immediately after and the vet found that she had a bad case of pyometra (:livmoderbetændelse) and the only solution would…
We are very happy and proud to announce, that we have found the male for our first PBGV litter! Around Yes Powerdrop “Carla” will be mated in her next heat – which will start any day now! – and the male for the litter will be Multi Champion Le Mouv’ Sid The Kid “Junior”. Thank you very much Kimberley Kruize for letting us use your wonderful boy! ;o) You can find more information on the upcoming litter on our Planned Litters page and if you are interested in a puppy from this litter, you are welcome to contact us. Picture of Le Mouv’ Sid The Kid “Junior” below.